Friday, April 24, 2009

Study in Color


1. Yellow Train: 04-24-09; 2pm; Rexburg-Idaho; Sony Cybershot 13.6 mega pixe

2. Yellow Sunflowers: 09-10-08 Leavenworth, WA Cybershot 13.6 mega pixel
3. Yellow Duck: 07-15-08 Graham, WA Cybershot 13.6 mega pixel

To me yellow can come across as very dominating or soft and warm. While I was in Leavenworth, WA the sunflowers were in full bloom. What a gerogeous sight it was and I wanted to capture this with my camera. I barely adjusted the levels in photoshop and the rest was done on the camera. 

The duck, oh the duck. This was one of my daughters favorite toys. Within 24 hours the duck had been washed, plucked, had an eye missing, lost a foot, and was smothered. This picture says it all. 


  1. Your first color photo has GORGEOUS colors! And I like that you kind of have two dominant colors throughout all of your shots. They look really nice together. And your cutouts are really clean and nice.

  2. I LOVE YOUR COLORS!!!! I seriously thought that was a real duck at first!!! Ha. Great diversity in your shots and awesome cut outs!

  3. The colors of the train and sunflowers are so vivid. I love them! Nice variety of yellow subjects.

  4. I love the photo of the train! The colors are vivid and complementary, and the composition is great. The picture of the sunflowers is also fantastic because of the contrast between the green and the yellow.

  5. I love all your yellow shots, especially the sunflowers. Your ducky is a riot, but it is a little blurry when I click on it. Nice lines on the train shot. Good variety. :)
